III. The Actor’s Gym: Train Your Acting Muscle
Level: committed actors BY INVITATION
location: Schöneberger Ufer 59, Berlin-TIERGARTEN
FEE: €400
Fall Session: Thursdays 19:30 - 22:30, January 9 - February 27
The Actor’s Gym offers ambitious actors a collaborative environment where they can try out original text, develop scene work, and fine-tune audition preparation. It's a place for actors to learn new techniques, practice material they've always wanted to work on, and share feedback and support with fellow artists. The Gym gives actors an opportunity to delve more deeply into things like comedy, classical text, acting for the camera, physical theater, and animal work, all guided by our team of Associate Artists and special guests. During the final session, participants will present a Showcase to share scenes, monologues, and on-camera projects with friends and invited guests from the industry.
The Gym is rooted in the principle that actors of all levels can learn from each other. Our community is diverse. Some are already established in the acting profession. Others took their first classes at The Acting Muscle and are hungry to keep developing their craft. What all members of The Actor’s Gym share is a desire to practice, grow as artists, and connect with a dynamic and supportive creative community.
“A supportive space is created where actors feel at ease — this helped me to believe in myself and my work. I would recommend the Gym to any actor, particularly those who, like myself, have the passion for acting but are perhaps not sure how to go about pursuing it. Here you will learn not only the tools, skills, and concrete training needed to develop, but a form of support, investment, and invigoration that will bring you endless joy and equip you to achieve your goals and dreams.”
Students in this course are expected to bring in original scripts and concepts that they are developing, as well as scenes and monologues from dramatic texts or screenplays. A library of scripts will also be provided as reference and inspiration. Participants will have an opportunity to work both individually and with multiple scene partners throughout the course.
Instructors: Adam Ludwig, Stephanie LeBolt, Chiara von Galli, Brian Bell
The course will be conducted in English. Students are encouraged to contribute ideas or ask questions in German or French. Copies of readings, assigned scenes, and plays will be provided.