The courses are designed as a series, starting with Core Technique, where students discover and practice the fundamentals of acting. Students who have completed Core Technique and want to continue to build their craft can take Creating Character, where they learn advanced techniques for making bold physical, vocal, and linguistic choices in interpreting a role. For those who want to keep training their acting muscle in a rigorous and supportive environment, The Actor’s Gym offers a collaborative community for devising original texts, refining monologues and scene work, discovering new techniques, and fine-tuning audition preparation. The Ensemble offers advanced students and experienced actors an opportunity to practice their craft while rehearsing and preparing for public performance.

Courses 2025

I. core technique: discover your acting muscle

Spring Session:
Wednesdays 19:00 - 22:00, march 5 - April 9
Fee: €350

In this class you will learn by doing, warming up with games and exercises that get you out of your head and into your body, while activating your emotional capacity to interpret dramatic texts. An introduction to the fundamentals of text analysis enables you to understand the mechanics of a script and identify key elements like given circumstances, conflict, and the actions characters take to achieve their objective in a play. Techniques for loosening up body, voice, and imagination help you bring full expression to your performances, while scene work strengthen your ability to integrate feedback and learn from your colleagues.

II. creating character: BUILD your acting muscle

spring session: tuesdays 19:30 - 22:00, april 29 - june 17
FEE: €350

This course builds on the foundation of Core Technique, introducing you to the craft of creating believable human characters and rooting them in the universe of the script. Collaboration and feedback further strengthen your ability to intuitively navigate a dramatic text while making grounded, compelling acting choices. Exploration of advanced vocal production, articulation, and physical characterization techniques develop your capacity to fully embody your intellectual and imaginative discoveries. The course encourages you to explore and expand your emotional availability and the range of your theatrical ingenuity.

III. The actor’s Gym: train Your acting muscle

winter SESSION: THURSDAYS 19:30 - 22:30, JANUARY 9 - FEbruary 27
FEE: €400

The Actor’s Gym offers ambitious actors a collaborative environment where they can try out original text, develop scene work, or fine-tune audition preparation. It's a place for actors to learn new techniques, practice material they've always wanted to work on, and share feedback and support with fellow artists. The Gym gives actors an opportunity to delve more deeply into things like comedy, classical text, acting for the camera, physical theater, and animal work, all guided by our team of Associate Artists.

IV. The Ensemble: flex Your acting muscle

Mondays & Thursdays, 19:30 - 22:30, March 18 - June 15
Fee: €750 (20 Rehearsals + 3 Performances at Theaterforum Kreuzberg)

If you’re serious about honing your craft, this course offers an intensive rehearsal process to prepare you for the rigors of performance. You will work on scenes and monologues that challenge you to plot your character’s path through a script beat by beat. You will learn to bring your analytical skills into the service of your creative, emotional, and interpretive choices. Building on your vocal and physical characterization, you will explore how you relate to the physical setting of the play. The course is structured as a series of rehearsals that culminate in public performances.


Nail your audition

€150/Hr. for private coaching (€100/hr. for current students)

Do you have a big audition coming up? Are you trying out for a play or trying to get into graduate school or an elite training program? The Acting Muscle can help make sure you know what you’re doing from the moment you step in the room. We’ll help you establish your character’s objective, break your monologue down into beats, connect emotionally with the text, and play grounded, believable actions. Casting directors will know that you have the chops to own a role, and own the stage. We’ll also work with you on techniques to help calm your nerves, stay focused and on point, and show off not only your acting skills, but your relaxed, open, and generous self.

talk like you mean it

€150/Hr. for private coaching

If part of your job is sharing your organization's story with internal teams, clients or your professional community, you know how important it is to speak with authority, poise and confidence. But something strange happens when humans get in front of large groups of other humans, no matter how passionate we are about our message. Knees get wobbly, mouths get dry, palms get sweaty and the words just don't come out the way we want them to. The good news is that even seasoned performers encounter these problems, and we've developed tools to overcome them.